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Galandy 09/01/2015 15:26:13 GT:0
Ready me to ol please. Dunno who keeps changing that but Fuck ofd

Zarc r teh l33t!
Galandy Owns You
ibujke 09/02/2015 18:20:28 GT:0
Leave Zarc alone!!!

Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 09/04/2015 03:13:04 GT:0
I can change that Galandy

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
galleri {Prez} 09/16/2015 04:55:19 GT:0
is bujke back? How is he brown???? I have high demands dammit!

Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 10/15/2015 01:22:35 GT:0
bujke jumps in here every now and then

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
Galandy 11/06/2015 21:56:58 GT:0
Please do

Zarc r teh l33t!
Galandy Owns You
Tarl {Elite} {aWAR} {Chancellor} 11/06/2015 22:25:05 GT:0
hi Galandy

Numbers32 (#494) the first to $10,951,231 NW 20,877 acre ...[06:35] iTarl> any thing to hit? ...[06:36] iZarc> not sure. everything looks dead :P 394/795 O76 (#69) (Imagnum) My lovely flower (#118) (RIVAL) PS 6,113 Acres (+3479)
Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 11/07/2015 05:08:47 GT:0
Galandy do you plan on playing a country with Imag?

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
Galandy 11/09/2015 17:58:46 GT:0
I'm just here for moral support.


How's farm life treating you?

Zarc r teh l33t!
Galandy Owns You
Tarl {Elite} {aWAR} {Chancellor} 11/10/2015 01:15:29 GT:0
great I retired !!!!!!!

Numbers32 (#494) the first to $10,951,231 NW 20,877 acre ...[06:35] iTarl> any thing to hit? ...[06:36] iZarc> not sure. everything looks dead :P 394/795 O76 (#69) (Imagnum) My lovely flower (#118) (RIVAL) PS 6,113 Acres (+3479)
Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 11/10/2015 03:45:29 GT:0
You have OL access Galandy

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
galleri {Prez} 11/10/2015 04:44:55 GT:0

Galandy 02/19/2016 21:04:12 GT:0
I still don't have access. I can't see anything but public

Zarc r teh l33t!
Galandy Owns You
galleri {Prez} 02/27/2016 17:59:42 GT:0
HBL knocked everyone down to LB

Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 02/28/2016 14:44:35 GT:0
I believe we know why that was done. It sucks when old Imaggers come in and spy on you and then turn around and kill you. That's why any inactive person was sent to LB. Ever since I have been in Imag if you weren't active you were sent to LB.

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
galleri {Prez} 03/02/2016 05:25:05 GT:0
Old prez's as I said before remained advisor. Perms are still messed up though. I have no chat box, soviet is still LB. And honestly as I said before you cannot move an admin to LB status either. I still don't believe Frostcat was playing in a Pinoy only clan. The guy is american and lives in Texas...not the Philippians, and that is all that played in that clan, I asked around. Plus i am curious what "kill list" you seen his name on?

[message edited by galleri {Prez} at 03/2/2016 05:26:08 GT]

Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 03/02/2016 05:30:51 GT:0
Number 4. The site hasn't been reset in how long now? if it's been 3-4 sets like I think it has, and Frostcat had played 3-4 sets prior.. with NO reset his country number is still going to be in his preferences and his country is going to APPEAR to be someone elses, in another clan.

LKS only resets people to "-1" if and only if someone (admin) has reset the site to tell it to do that, otherwise it won't because it doesn't know the set had restarted.

This is probably one big mix up on your part and Frostcat isn't active enough to probably even notice what you've done, yet, so maybe you should give someone else the perms to do something about this?

Also there is another "Frostcat" in the game, which is not the same as ours who doesn't post on the forums or be any more active than with iMag and it's affairs, barely.

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

Soviet Sig
Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 03/02/2016 05:46:50 GT:0
All my perms will let me see is DC's division status, and I see I am still #286 which is currently DEATH (#286) (RR).

My last upload was THOUSAND YEARS OF OPPRESSION (#286) Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 10/24/2015 14:14:51 GT

So again, LKS NEEDS to be reset manually (I know how to find it) to BE ACCURATE.

I know you mean well and you're probably confused as hell right now but IT'S ALRIGHT! Just give me perms to make everything at least work correctly!

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

Soviet Sig
Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 03/02/2016 22:56:08 GT:0
The kill roster is on the left menu under extras.

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 03/03/2016 04:50:37 GT:0
I dont see a kill roster.

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

Soviet Sig
galleri {Prez} 03/03/2016 04:55:18 GT:0
I don't either. But dear hbl ;) It is like soviet said. I get what happened now. Re read what soviet wrote. It is because LKS isn't reset from several sets ago.
Pretty much you put in a number up top....... because LKS isn't reset it is popping up the country numbers that are stuck in the LKS system under imag old players.
So for example you put in a number and it said Frostcat, but that number is really someone else this set. LKS thinks it is Frostcat even though it isn't, so he came up matching a country number in TPA that time you entered it.
Soviet shows as some other country this set and he is running around untagged.

Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 03/08/2016 05:05:28 GT:0
Well I seen it along with others. There was no number put in up top. Tarl and Duff saw it as well. There is a KIll roster and a death roster in the left menu. Yes Frost cat was in TPA. Don't tell me it wasn't there. Its been a few sets since it was there. It wouldn't be there now. LKS might need reset but it didn't then. Why the grief for me and talk of LKS being reset? Im not a liar. Ive been Imag strong from day 1 when I came to Imag.

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
galleri {Prez} 05/01/2016 03:49:43 GT:0
Then the question is how did you get information who's country was who's in other clans??? i.e. TPA...??? Because that info can only be accessed by a game mod or someone gave a list. People's names don't show from other clans with their country numbers just randomly...that is considered cheating if so and I know LKS is not set that way.

As for the kill roster and the death roster, I know it is there now I can see it would fall into the same issue that soviet and explained earlier just like the number put in up top. The system was not reset, soviet just reset it after months.....
We are not griefing you, we are trying to explain to you why it showed up like that. Again it was an unset system or there was cheating going on..

[message edited by galleri {Prez} at 05/1/2016 03:52:25 GT]

Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 05/01/2016 04:02:41 GT:0
Yeah man, I appreciate you keeping iMag alive and all that good shit. Not greifing you at all. Just one big misunderstanding.

I seen the site was not reset in over a year before we did it this set. That made LKS show wrong information. LKS is not the final word on what is going on with the server as far as who is running what country, etc. That would be cheating. All LKS can do is decipher what it is given at the current time and work off what has been inputted by you, me, tarl, duff and other as far as country numbers (in preferences).

LKS was working off old information (# in preferences) in relation to Frostcat's account. It made it seem he was tagged to TPA because that's all LKS knew, because that's what the old information told it. My name was attached to a SOF country last set before I fixed my country number to reflect my real country and let me tell you bro, I have NEVER played ANYWHERE other than iMag on this server.

Honestly the only person I think could prove Frosty's innocence is Frosty himself. EE has the previous countries tied to individual accounts and he could show you every country he has played since EE's beginnings. But I don't think he has played or given this game any attention since all of this went down. He probably hasn't even noticed you took his perms etc.

Again, don't really care that it happened, but I will defend Frosty who is a long time brother of ours since way before I came around and that was a decade ago still.

Fuck ups happen, I don't hold you responsible, not a big deal, let's just work together and have some good times with old friends!

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

Soviet Sig
Soviet {HFA} {Strat} {Elite} 05/01/2016 04:08:32 GT:0
Here's a link to my account

[23:37] iMe> I may only have a pile of rubble left, but it is a deadly pile of rubble!

Soviet Sig
Headbangersland {DL} {aWAR}{Elite} {Prez} 05/01/2016 16:51:11 GT:0
Thanks for resetting LKS Soviet. Hope its fixed now.

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
Black Seifer 09/09/2016 15:40:43 GT:0
its good to see everyone still knows whats their doing

If one were to take the bible seriously one would go mad. But to take the bible seriously, one must allready be mad.
Hephi 09/29/2016 13:22:13 GT:0

Crazyguy 09/29/2016 16:19:13 GT:0
Yes former prez should remain advisor. So gimme back advisor status bitchs

Crazyguy [Grumpy old fart] 09/29/2016 16:22:32 GT:0
What the guy above said!

Scode enjoys the sheep cock in his ass. W O O F !!!
Headbanger {VP}{aWAR}{DL}{Elite} 09/30/2016 00:22:23 GT:0

Metallica the greatest show on the Earth.........
iZarcon {Admin} 10/13/2016 08:40:21 GT:0
this is some great reading

*wanders off*

I Am a Jesus Freak!
Toon Army FTW!

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