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Public Relations Forum - RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!
Want To KILL 03/16/2008 01:36:18 GT:0


(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> -=WTK=- The Ruler...(©)
Do something creative, KILL SoMeOnE!!! "Gun, all gun, like finger on hand" -Jagged Alliance (Ivan)
All repeat: **IN WTK WE TRUST**
-WTK - God of Imaginary Numbers
Sänebas 03/16/2008 05:10:08 GT:0
Or be raped!

---- If you are:
Sane; Peaceful; Not perverted; Overly intelligent;
Please leave iMag now. You would be more welcomed in some wussy place like a university, or a library!
HoboWithAStick {DL} 03/16/2008 12:33:29 GT:0
I´m already a member, can I be raped anyway?

arthur {aDL} 03/16/2008 17:35:08 GT:0
ya, same here

i like to oil my women up during sex, as long as it is flamable, and fire is handy
Faust {AWT} 03/17/2008 07:35:33 GT:0
oh yeah baby! we got some quality raping over here!

Sänebas 03/18/2008 00:22:53 GT:0
K, I have enough rape for all of you.

---- If you are:
Sane; Peaceful; Not perverted; Overly intelligent;
Please leave iMag now. You would be more welcomed in some wussy place like a university, or a library!
Iron Priest 03/18/2008 16:23:10 GT:0
bring it one sanababab

------I am a SPAMORON------

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